August 12, 2023


Securing your website is crucial to guarding your data as well as sensitive information from your customers. Taking preventative measures to protect your site can save time and money — and it can also protect your brand reputation.


Cybersecurity attacks and threats have grown in recent years, which makes securing your website all the more important. Security is even more critical for websites with online transactions, such as ecommerce websites, and for websites on widely popular platforms like WordPress.


To secure your website against hackers, you need preventative security measures in place. In this blog, we will examine seven different ways for you to secure your website for free — with everything from free tools to best practices and other tactics to protect your website.


1. Install an SSL certificate.


SSL, also known as Secure Sockets Layer, is a protocol that creates an encrypted link between a web server and a web browser. That means any data exchanged between a visitor and website will be secure.


2. Update your site regularly.


Outdated software can put your website at risk for viruses, cyber attacks, and other security issues. To help avoid these problems, keep your website up-to-date by regularly checking for any updates or setting up auto-updates. These updates usually contain security patches from developers so it’s essential to make them as soon as possible.


3. Use strong passwords.


Using simple passwords like common words, number sequences, your name, or the name of your website is like inviting hackers into your home. These sorts of passwords make it easy to hack into your website.


4. Invest in anti-malware software


Malware can cause many issues to your site’s security, like harming your website’s user experience, leading to lower search engine rankings and consumer engagement and conversions.


5. Backup your website


Backup systems can help you revive your website and streamline your relaunch if your server fails or other issues arise. With a backup of your website, you can respond quickly to problems like broken pages or a hacked site.


TAGS: Cybersecurity                                                                                                                                                                                                          CATEGORY:


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