August 12, 2023


Small businesses are the backbone of the American economy. Small businesses are generally defined by the U.S. Small Business Association (SBA) as independent businesses having fewer than 500 employees.


There are 33,185,550 small businesses in the United States, which collectively employ 61.7 million Americans, totaling 46.4% of private sector employees. From 1995 to 2021, small businesses created 17.3 million net new jobs, accounting for 62.7% of net jobs created since 1995.


Small businesses pay 39.4% percent of private sector payroll. and generate 32.6% percent of known export value.


Small businesses are credited with just under two-thirds (63%) of the new jobs created from 1995 to 2021 or 17.3 million new jobs. Small businesses represent 97.3% of all exporters and 32.6% of known export value ($413.3 billion). They also employ almost half (46%) of America’s private sector workforce and represent 43.5% of gross domestic product.


A robust technology backbone and digital presence is essential for winning of small businesses in this digitally connected world.


Often, many small businesses provide local support and services that big companies can’t compete with. A solid website, digital marketing, SEO leadership and perhaps a mobile app are strong levers that many small businesses in America pull to stay ahead in the competitive landscape.


Business Website Partner is proud to be working with many of the small businesses in America – keep them one step ahead of competition, and bringing them one step closer to their customers. By almost any measure, small businesses are a vital part of the American economy and workforce.


TAGS: Business, Agency, Technology                                                                                                                                      CATEGORY:


Business Website Partner builds world-class websites & mobile apps for small and midsize businesses.

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